Transforming capabilities with nature inspired technology
Advanced UAV morphing
Our bio-inspired morphing wing project is developing next generation wing morphing suitable for small unmanned air systems inspired by recently published papers on peregrine falcon aerodynamics.
This project is conducted under a European Space Agency contract with oversight from ESA Advanced Concepts Team.
Drag reduction surfaces
Drag is strongly impacted not only by body shape but also by surface properties. Many animals have evolved skin textures and micro-structures which reduce air or water resistance which we can learn from.
Reducing drag means faster aircraft, surface vessels and subsea vehicles, with less fuel consumption or longer endurance.
Flexible sensors
Pinnipeds like seals and sea lions use their whiskers to hunt prey in dark and turbid waters. Recent studies offer both theoretical and experimental insight into the mechanism behind the detection of the Strouhal frequency from a Von-Karman vortex street.
Derived sensors offer collision avoidance and accurate object tracking for underwater robotic vehicles.
“What I cannot create, I do not understand.” - Richard P. Feynman